Holistic Life Coaching, Energy Healing & Tarot Reading. The High Priestess Jewellery Collection

The High Priestess Collection

When I opened my first pack of tarot cards, I was immediately drawn to the High Priestess card. I completely resonated with this mystical goddess straight away without prior knowledge to what this card meant, once again my intuition was leading the way. And that was the planting of the seed, the very beginning of the creation of my life coaching & tarot reading business and the muse for my own jewellery collection.

Let me introduce you to the High Priestess..

She is the queen of intuition, she is our guide between the conscious mind and subconscious mind. She teaches us how to tap into our intuition and unlock our own inner wisdom so we can become the powerful creative divine beings that we truly are.

She shows us that there are magical things happening around us all the time and that the world is not as it seems, but we must open to her energy to truly see and feel this magic.

UPDATE: The full collection is now on display in the Westgrove Hotel, Clane, Co. Kildare, Ireland.